Sgoil Ghàidhlig an Àrd-bhaile

April 2012

June 1, 2012

April 13 & 27: Taigh-Cèilidh Song Circle

The Taigh Ceilidh tradition in Gaelic culture brought people together on cold winter evenings when everyone would bring along something to share. It might be a song, a story, or even a riddle!

Come along and gabh oran! Share your Gaelic songs or stories - new and old - with us. If you are working on a new song, this will be an excellent opportunity to try it out. This will also be a social event - a chance to use your Gaelic in conversation.

Failte orbh uile. Everyone is welcome. So bring along your songs, instruments, stories and join us to celebrate our Gaelic culture.

Tea will be provided. There will be a $1 contribution to cover the cost of tea and snacks.

Contact: Laura Stirling, laurastirling (at) eastlink (dot) ca