About Sgoil Ghàidhlig an Àrd-bhaile
Sgoil Ghàidhlig an Àrd-bhaile was established in 2005 and is comprised of individuals committed to preserving and enhancing Gaelic language and culture within the Halifax community.
The organization sponsored a successful program in November/ December 2005 where tutors were trained in the Total Immersion Plus methodology as well as providing Gaelic language instruction to participants. Since January 2006, Sgoil Ghàidhlig has been offering day-long TIP workshops twice monthly in the Halifax area.
The organization also provides three TIP evening classes per week for Gaelic learners of a variety of competency levels. Sgoil Ghàidhlig hosts week-long immersion TIP courses each summer, as well as the Na Sgeulaichean / The Storytellers fundraising event each May.
The Gaelic Image
Sgoil Ghàidhlig an Àrd-bhaile and The Office of Gaelic Affairs is pleased to endorse the Gaelic Image for the Province as developed and presented by the Gaelic Council of Nova Scotia on behalf of the Gaelic Community.
The image is that of a salmon in the shape of the letter ‘G’.
The salmon represents gift of knowledge in the Gaelic storytelling traditions of Nova Scotia, Scotland and Ireland and the Isle of Man.
The ‘G’ represents the Gaelic language and the ripples are the manifestations of the language through its attendant culture: song, story, music, dance and custom and belief system.
The Story of Fionn MacCumhail and the Salmon
Now this salmon was called Finntan in ancient times and was one of the Immortals, and he might be eaten and yet live. But in the time of Finegas he was called the Salmon of the Pool of Fec, which is the place where the fair river broadens out into a great still pool, with green banks softly sloping upward from the clear brown water. Seven years was Finegas watching the pool, but not until after Finn had come to be his disciple was the salmon caught. Then Finegas gave it to Finn to cook, and bade him eat none of it. But when Finegas saw him coming with the fish, he knew that something had happened to the lad, for he used to have the eye of a young man but now he had the eye of a sage. Finegas said, “have you eaten of the salmon?” “Nay,” said Finn, “but it burnt me as I turned it upon the spit and I put my thumb in my mouth”. And Finegas clapped his hands together and was silent for a while. Then he said to the lad who stood by obediently, “Take the salmon and eat it, Finn, son of Cumhal, for to thee the prophecy is come. And now go hence, for I can teach you no more, and blessing and victory be yours.”